Have you ever lived a day when the circumstances work together to make you believe something that cannot be true? For example, if your door's room got closed by the wind just after a scary thriller movie wouldn't pictures of ghosts cross your mind? Well..
I was sleeping in my room and my sister woke up in order to get dressed to go to her job. I was almost awake since she is always too noisy, she shuts and opens again the door,the closet and throws things on the floor :D. I think I 've watched a documentary about sleeping and noticed that when you complete your night's sleep you cannot remember your dreams. On the contrary, if somebody wakes you up during the dream you can remember it (although you miss the end!). So, I had many small dreams that I remembered afterwards.

Firstly, it was this serial killer dream. And... the serial killer was me! I would kill strangers using toothpaste in this awful way: I would put some toothpast in their nose and eyes. Weirdly I was helped in my crimes by a person I haven't seen for some ages.
Secondly, there was a

And so... after some minutes I woke up around 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I opened my eyes quite lazily and turned from the other side. And first thing i see in front of me is a knife

During the day it proved that my sister had forgotten (!) the knife on the bed while struggling to cut something!!!
After all, it's profound who is responsible for this whole freaky experience: my sister!
1 reactions:
Actually I just wanted to freshen my eyes with some cucumber slices! Funny, huh?:P
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