I might have not mentioned that I enjoy sketching with my favourite little black pens. Recently my sister had the idea to buy a whole bunch of colourful pens that you can see above. I think I 've always preferred sketching with pens or pencils (sometimes at the tip of a school book page ;) ) instead of tempera and brushes. Its simpler, quicker and the whole process is like a game that I always want to play, especially when I have nothing to do. You see, carrying tempera and brushes everywhere is not possible whereas all you need for a sketch is a thin black sketch pen and a piece of paper! The result can be painted at home with colourful pens or anything else or even in Photoshop (my choice) and ,thus, you can create a nice picture out of a little pattern you've thought! :)
One of my favourite sketches (of those I have painted :) ) is a butteftly wing I made during the last August. I was sitting on my couch for 3 or 4 hours thickening lines or adding spots in order to finish one single wing. But I had already thought Photoshop's many potentials ;). And so, after I scanned it the result was:

My scanner is short of childish and immature and it never shows fully or appropriately all lines!! And so i really needed the picture editor to show some lines more clearly. After I did, I picked for the butterfly a deep green which is (usually) my favourite colour and a dark cold purple to surround it. I was about to use it as the demo cover for the band Clock Stooges where I participate by doing the vocals (and I am going to talk to you about it one of those days!). So i added the demo's name as the butterfly's body and woilla! Here is my little butterfly, isn't it cute?
I went on designing my favourite black patterns and using them as buttefly wings, it could be described as an obsession with the butterflies!! So my next pattern was a little bit more tricky because it was not clearly a butterfly wing and I had to work a little bit more to give this butterlfy look it eventually has.
My initial pattern (it's kind of showing my mood, I was pretty confused those days!) :
My initial pattern (it's kind of showing my mood, I was pretty confused those days!) :

On the right side you can see its final state :) A butterfly with a broken wing which I used in the Clock Stooges' logo! You can see it if you follow the link given by the first butterfly on the top of the blog.
I also sketched something quick yesterday that I would like to share it with you as well. I decided to name it "Sometimes I feel so happy that it hurts" which is a name i thought while I was sketching. This is a feeling that I have felt sometimes and the only way to explain it briefly now is to say that sometimes you get to win something you had wanted for a long time and simultaneously lose something you had for a long time because those two cannot co-exist. Personally, I 've felt this way many times and I think it is a glorious priviledge of growing up and living an adult life. That's my sketch and now I stop writing so that we won't get too melancholic!

And so, that's all with sketching for today :)
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